It was cold today at the shoot but other than a very few wet snow flakes everything was fine. We got new members, a welcome to them, we had renewals whom we are glad to see still with us, we sold some more raffle tickets, some prizes were claimed and we still have some to hand to lucky winners next time. The numbers unclaimed are 13, 91, 62, 167, 157, 209, 36, 218, 67, 152, 178, 165 and 22. Whiskey, Gin and wine are among the prizes still. Do not throw away your tickets thinking you have not won anything because prizes not claimed at the last shoot in February will be put back in and more numbers drawn so you will have another chance to win. Thank you to everyone who took part, donating prizes and buying tickets. We will see you all at the next shoot on the 21st January.