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Sunday Shoot & Manorlands Charity

* Sunday shoot 02/08/2020  + Manorlands Charity Shoot 30/08/2020 *

After the smooth running of the last shoot we are continuing with the same process and will operate this coming shoot in the same way. Please remember that you MUST have emailed Marjorie to book a slot as places are limited.

Please do not turn up without booking as we would not want to disappoint or reduce the capacity for social distancing.

Manorlands Charity Shoot: On the 30th August we will be hosting our annual charity shoot in aid of Manorlands hospice. Members & visitors are all welcome and those able to donate prizes are most appreciated. They have seen a huge impact on their funding due to the current pandemic and we are keen to support them in the work they do.

See you all soon. FB9


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