We started the day by presenting the John Midgley Cup to Anna-Lee. She was both surprised and delighted to win it. She says she never thought to display it in her living room and was really thrilled. She sends her thanks to everyone in the club who have advised her since she started shooting and for the friendliness shown by the members.
The Trafalgar competition which is open to all members was hard fought with The Ajax coming first and The Belle Isle second. Crews can pick up winnings at the next shoot. You do not get to choose your crew or ship so it is all down to chance. A full list of results will be on the notice board next shoot. There were some hard birds and the wind made a contribution but otherwise the weather was fine. Some of us tried out the brand new club gun after the shoot which was of course very stiff and I had to not only have a gun bearer but a loader as well. It was liked by everyone who tried it. It should prove a really sound gun for learners who come along. Don't forget there are five Sundays in October so our next shoot will be 6th November.
Forgot to add our thanks to Keith, our farmer, for providing the prizes for yesterday. He could not stay to present the cup as there were sheep to round up and his dog out of action with a badly cut foot from broken glass on the moor.